Important Steps to Take While Moving With Your Pets

Moving is quite a chaotic experience for people, but have you considered how uneasy it can make your furry friend? They can easily get anxious when they experience any unexpected activity such as packing or the first step into a new home. Detailed planning can help you deal with all the hassles of moving with your pets and make relocating a positive experience for everyone.

Here are 5 Important Steps to take while moving with your pets:

1. Keep Necessary Items Handy

It is imperative to prepare a specific box for your pet’s everyday necessities. “It is important to organize essentials while moving, especially for your pet who cannot do it themselves. Make a box of things your furry friend uses daily!” (Claim Quote) This can include medicine, food, toys, collar and leash, and litter. Staying organized will help you not miss a beat while unpacking other household items in your new home.


2. Contact your Vet

Ask for all the records from your veterinarian before moving out of town. It would be beneficial to schedule one last appointment with your vet for prescribed medications or other health concerns.

3. Reduce Exposure

Packing your belongings and moving can be stressful for both you and your loving pets. “Having to worry about your pet while moving could distract from the important things that need to get done in a big move.” (Claim Quote) Thus, when you pack your household items, ask another family member or friend who is already acquainted with your pets to babysit for a few days during the moving process. If family or friends are keeping an eye on your pets while you’re packing or moving, be sure and visit them to help ease any stress.

4. Ease Into It

You are probably excited to move into your new home, but it often takes some time for your pet to adjust. You can make the transition easier by making their bed, providing them warm blankets, toys, and treats in one room only. Once they become comfortable, you can gradually introduce them to other rooms in their new home.

5. Update Your Contact Information

Once you move to your new home, update your contact details, including pet tags and microchips, as soon as possible. This will help you find them again easily if they get lost. “Updating your pets’ tags is often brushed under the rug. Don’t stall on keeping your furry friend’s information up to date!” (Claim Quote)

Make sure you show extra love and attention to pets as they adjust to a new environment. Paying close attention and keeping a normal routine will help reduce stress and anxiety for everybody in the household.

It is impossible to eliminate the stress of moving with your pets completely, but you can make the situation manageable and help your fur babies adapt to the new situation.

Also read: Things to Do When You Are Moving Into New Home

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